任南先生提出的鉴别红山古玉的12字诀和6种辅助方法,即任氏鉴定法(RNM)为我们提供了独有的技术诀窍。本人经过研究、比较、体会,认为是非常可靠的。该套方法自成体系,已经现代高科技测试证明。其符合辩证法的研究方法,包含了玉石被人类加工并赋予信息、又在自然界中慢慢发生变化的一个量变—质变—量变的历史过程。而自然界几千年来对红山古玉打上的内外部印记,也证明古玉本身与自然界发生交互作用的过程。古玉是我们今天探索、理解古人相关信息的重要物质载体,是能够区别于其它高仿赝品的,区别的技术诀窍正在于此。红山古玉的研究方法、成果及鉴赏对了解人类早期文明具有积极意义。 碧麟 The twelve measures and the six assistant methods (RNM) put forward by Mr. Ren Nan provide us one system of unique know-how to distinguish Ancient Hongshan Jade. I affirm its credibility after my studying, comparing and experiment. RNM has comprised one system itself and proven by high-tech test already. RNM, using dialectic research means, reveals a process of jade processing and imputing information by ancient people and developing historically from quantitative change to qualitative change to quantitative change. The impress both outside and inside made by nature about several thousand years on ancient Hongshan Jade shows interaction between Hongshan Jade and its environment. The Hongshan Jade is important samples of substance carrier for us to understand information of ancient people. So it can be differentiated from other fake made by modern methods. The know-how is here. The research measures,achievement and appreciation of ancient Hangshan Jade are significant to understand earlier civilization of human being. Jasper Unicorn |